Always Alone

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“Always Alone” is a unique and introspective game that delves into the life of a character named Jim, who has a deep desire to be alone. The game, developed by Grey Alien Games, is an exploration of solitude and the various emotional states associated with being alone. Players are taken through different stages of Jim’s life, where the gameplay involves clearing the screen of other characters by getting close to them and using different actions, such as farting, cussing, or raving, depending on the level.

The game is designed with a minimalist aesthetic, emphasizing the stark and desolate environments that mirror Jim’s feelings of isolation. The visuals are complemented by an eerie and quiet sound design, which enhances the sense of loneliness and introspection. The narrative unfolds through the gameplay and the environment, encouraging players to reflect on their own experiences with solitude and the emotions it can evoke.

“Always Alone” was created for the 22nd Ludum Dare competition, a game jam event where developers create games based on a theme within a short period. The game’s simple mechanics and profound narrative make it a memorable experience that resonates with players who have felt the weight of loneliness. It’s more than just a game; it’s an emotional journey that invites players to ponder the complexities of human solitude​.

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