Crank Deathmatch

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About Crank Deathmatch

“Crank Deathmatch” is a unique and entertaining fighting game that brings together characters from the popular TV shows “Crank Yankers” and “Celebrity Deathmatch.” Developed to celebrate the new seasons of these shows, the game features a knock-down, drag-out fighting style where players can choose characters like Special Ed and Elmer from “Crank Yankers” to battle against Nick Diamond and Johnny Gomez from “Celebrity Deathmatch.” The game is characterized by its humorous and over-the-top combat mechanics.

Players engage in one-on-one fights using a combination of light and heavy punches and kicks, with special weapons appearing in higher rounds. The game’s controls are straightforward, using the Q and W keys for punches and the A and S keys for kicks. Special moves and taunts add to the chaotic and fun atmosphere. The objective is to deplete the opponent’s health meter through a series of best-of-three matches. The game’s graphics, while simple, capture the essence of the characters and settings from the TV shows.

“Crank Deathmatch” has been praised for its nostalgic value and humorous approach to fighting games. It combines the quirky humor of “Crank Yankers” with the violent satire of “Celebrity Deathmatch,” creating a unique gaming experience. Despite some criticisms regarding the simplicity of the controls and graphics, the game remains a favorite among fans of the shows. Its appeal lies in its ability to provide quick, humorous battles that are both entertaining and easy to pick up and play​

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