Cat Mario (Syobon Action)

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Syobon Action also called Cat Mario is a game which looks similar to the old Mario games but is much more difficult to play. You guide a white cat through levels that seem simple but are full of hidden traps. Cat Mario surprises you with unexpected dangers at every step Unlike regular Mario games where you know what to expect.

When playing you’ll find that even safe-looking ground can suddenly disappear and blocks may have spikes that pop out when you touch them. Sometimes the flagpole, which usually ends the level, can cause you to lose. These surprises make the game both fun and frustrating as you never know what will happen next.

Although the game is tough it gives you endless opportunities to try again. You can keep playing and learning from your mistakes without having to start over. You’ll remember where the traps are and get a little better at avoiding them Each time you play. This mix of learning and challenge make Cat Mario a fun game for people who love surprises and don’t mind challenging themselves.

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