Sebba 3

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Info About Sebba 3

Sebba 3 is a platformer adventure game where players navigate the character Sebba through challenging levels set along a beautiful riverside. Released in 2007, the game encourages exploration, offering numerous hidden secrets and goodies for players to discover. The vibrant graphics and engaging level design make it an attractive game for those who enjoy platformers.

In Sebba 3, players guide Sebba using intuitive controls to move, jump, and evade obstacles. The game’s design focuses on exploration and discovery, rewarding players who thoroughly investigate each level. The mix of flying and platforming elements adds a unique twist, keeping the gameplay fresh and exciting.

Developed by Dean Angerer and available on platforms like Kongregate, Sebba 3 is part of a series that includes earlier entries, expanding the game’s universe. Despite being a Flash-based game, it remains accessible through Flash emulators or specific browsers that support Flash, making it a nostalgic yet enjoyable experience for platformer fans.

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