Snowman Attack Hacked

Play in Fullscreen Mode

About Snowman Attack Hacked Game

Hack: Money and Health


  • Move Cursor: Mouse
  • Shoot: Left Click
  • Nuke (When Equipped): Space
  • Blow up Mines: Assigned Number
  • Change Cursor: ‘C’

How to Play:

Your snow fort is under attack by menacing winter enemies. Your primary weapon is a stationary gun. Different enemies require different numbers of hits to be defeated—some take one hit (worth $10) and others two hits (worth $20). You can earn money by defeating enemies and use it to buy upgrades. Upgrades help you survive longer and defeat enemies more effectively. Two additional weapons are available: nukes and hot water mines, both of which can destroy all enemies within a specific zone in one hit. You also earn money by killing enemies with these special weapons. The key to winning is to plan carefully and withstand the waves of snow armies.

This game challenges players to manage their resources and strategy while defending against increasingly difficult waves of enemies.

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