Infinity Inc

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Playing Infinity Inc Online

“Infinity Inc” is a sci-fi puzzle-platformer that immerses players in a dystopian future where human cloning is possible. Players control a businessman working for a corporation that has developed a prototype cloning gun. The game’s central mechanic revolves around using this cloning gun to create clones of oneself to solve deadly traps and puzzles within a research facility. However, players must be mindful of the rule: never clone yourself or other humans, which naturally gets violated, leading to chaos.

The gameplay involves navigating through various hazardous environments filled with lasers, rotary saws, and other deadly traps. Players must strategically use clones to overcome obstacles, solve puzzles, and progress through the levels. Each clone can be used to trigger switches, distract enemies, or sacrifice itself to clear a path, adding a layer of strategic depth to the platforming action.

“Infinity Inc” combines retro platforming with innovative puzzle mechanics, offering a unique gaming experience. The game challenges players to think creatively and use their clones effectively to survive and escape the facility. Its engaging story, challenging puzzles, and dark, dystopian atmosphere make “Infinity Inc” a standout title in the puzzle-platformer genre​.

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