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Get to Know About Connexions

“Connexions” is a word puzzle game developed by The New York Times, released in 2023. The game challenges players to identify common links between a set of words, organizing them into groups of four based on shared characteristics. Each puzzle presents a 4×4 grid of words, and players must deduce the categories that connect each quartet of words. The game allows for four incorrect guesses before the round ends, adding a layer of strategic thinking and caution.

The gameplay involves carefully reading and understanding the words presented, then identifying patterns or common themes that link them. Players select the four words they believe belong together and submit their choice to see if they are correct. The game offers new puzzles daily, ensuring a fresh challenge each day. Additionally, the game provides different difficulty levels, catering to both beginners and experienced players.

“Connexions” has been praised for its ability to engage both logical deduction and creative thinking. The game not only entertains but also helps improve vocabulary and cognitive skills. Its daily puzzle format encourages regular play, making it a popular choice for those who enjoy word games and mental challenges.

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