Mario and Friends in the Ghost Gallery

Info About Mario and Friends in the Ghost Gallery

“Mario and Friends in the Ghost Gallery” is a ROM hack of “Super Mario World” where players must help Toad free Mario and his friends from ghostly paintings. Each character, including Peach, Mario, and Luigi, has unique abilities and physics, which can be accessed through individual levels. Players can switch between characters on the fly using the L and R buttons, adding a strategic layer to the gameplay. The objective is to defeat the ghost Boo who imprisoned the characters​.

Developed by CircleFriendo, HamOfJustice, and sio-kedelic, this hack was submitted to the SMWC HackJam and features 11 levels. The game retains the classic platforming elements of Super Mario World but incorporates new dynamics for each character. Players do not need to unlock all characters to complete the game, but doing so may reveal additional secrets and content. The game’s design encourages exploration and strategic use of each character’s abilities​.

“Mario and Friends in the Ghost Gallery” offers a refreshing take on the Super Mario formula, combining familiar gameplay with new challenges and character mechanics. It provides a nostalgic yet novel experience for fans of the series, blending traditional platforming with inventive level design and character interactions. The game’s unique premise and engaging gameplay make it a standout entry in the world of Mario ROM hacks.

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